Button Gallery

About 70 buttons are included with the registered version of KoolMoves. They were created in KoolMoves and were designed specifically for use in Flash movies. The buttons are found in the Button folder inside the KoolMoves folder. Click on a folder category to display the contents. Click on an item to select it, press Play to see how it responds to mouse actions, and press Add in the upper top to add the button to your movie. Upon pressing the Play button, the button will display in the Flash stand-alone player if you have one; otherwise, your default web browser will display the button. Move your mouse over the button and click on the button to see the different behaviors of the button.

Because of a current limitation of KoolMoves, one of the shapes is the button and the rest of the shapes are regular shapes. The button shape is probably at the top or bottom of the shape list. Find the button shape, display the properties of the shape, and then press the Action button in the properties dialog to edit the button action. The over and down states are each single movie clips. Click on Frames in their properties dialog to modify the shapes comprising the over and down states. You can add frames to the over and down movie clips so the button animates on rollover or mouse click.